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Dental Tips & Advice

Life After Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

Your dentist has told you about the dental implants procedure - but what about after your operation? Today, our Hamilton dentists explain what to expect from life after implants.

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How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Caring for your teeth and gums is important for your oral hygiene and your overall health. Here, our Hamilton dentists share 10 tips for keeping your smile happy and healthy for years to come.

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Are dental implants the right choice for me?

Are you thinking about dental implants as a potential solution for tooth replacement? Our dentists in Hamilton are here to provide you with a clear understanding of what dental implants are, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of this commonly used procedure.

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The Importance of a Professional Dental Cleaning

Many people only visit their dentist when they feel pain or discomfort in their teeth and gums. Today our Hamilton dentists explain why regular appointment for a professional cleaning is important even when you feel alright.

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What happens when you get your teeth whitened?

You’ve seen movie stars and your friends get great results from teeth whitening - but how does the procedure actually work? Our Hamilton dentists shed light on how the teeth whitening process brightens your smile.

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What are the components of a good brushing and flossing routine?

Brushing and flossing are important parts of your oral hygiene routine, but there are other essential elements as well. To best maintain your oral health and help keep your teeth and gums disease-free, follow the steps outlined by our Hamilton dentists

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Are dental veneers permanent?

Dental veneers can address a number of aesthetic issues, but are they a permanent solution? Our Hamilton dentists explain what you should know about these dental restorations.

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Brushing vs Flossing: Which Comes First

Many people know on a basic level that brushing and flossing are recommended by dentists as part of a good oral hygiene routine. Some patients however are unclear on the finer details, like what order they should be done in or if one is more important than the other. Today, our Hamilton dentists talk about brushing and flossing in detail.

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Do braces hurt?

Wondering if having braces hurts? Our Hamilton dentists tell you how to avoid pain during and after having braces.

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How does dental hygiene affect your overall health?

Good oral hygiene helps you keep your mouth healthy, preventing dental decay and gum disease. Here, our Hamilton dentists explain how a healthy mouth can contribute to better overall health and wellbeing as well.

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Looking for a dentist in Hamilton? We are happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today.

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